I just got my baby DK out of the starter zone and was dropping things off in the bank when this... thing... strutted past me. Moving at RP speed and in RP gear, I just had to take a look.
So. I've been lurking here for a while and reading flags, all the while collecting ones to post here... and boy have I found plenty. Prepare for lots after the shiny cut.
Hopping from flight path to flight path to get my Coins of Ancestry is boring this year. Let's spice up the Lunar Festival with some bad roleplay profiles!
I've been an ardent screenshotter of bad roleplay profiles for years, but rarely sit down and clear them out. 30 minutes later, I amassed a groan-worthy blast from the past. Warning: rape and a ERPer await.
This one's from Farstriders, where the fail isn't as bad as Moon Guard or Wyrmrest. We don't see this sort of thing often at all. Usually the worst we get is a "quel'dorei" instead of a "sin'dorei". It's what happens when the server is small. This isn't all that bad, but it's still facepalm worthy.
So I was wandering around Stormwind today when I happened across a warlock just hanging around near the cathedral district on a Felsteed with a Felguard beside her. It wasn't exactly bad but it was certainly... Well, judge for yourself.